Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Cellphone stupidity....

Listen on the Wall Street Journals technoligy guy Walter Mossberg when he talks about the crazy cellphone industry. He talks about the cellphone vs the cellphone net and when he compares that to a computer and the internet vendor it sounds really crazy....

Monday, October 22, 2007

Thailand nya kanarieöarna

Läste på DinaPengar att Thailand nuförtiden är svenskarnas favoritresmål. I vinter kommer över 300.000 svenskar resa till Thailand och framför allt till Phuket. Till Phuket kommer i år fler än 2.500.000 turister i vinter. Hela listan med populäraste resmålen i vinter:

1. Thailand (1)
2. Spanien (2)
3. Egypten (5)
4. USA (3)
5. Indien (6)
6. Kap Verde (8)
7. Sydafrika (12)
8. Vietnam (18)
9. Australien (9)
10. Portugal (13)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Amazing technology -> Must see

I was surfing around the Internet and found Photosynth. It is a collaboration between Microsoft and the University of Washington. The description on the project site is "The Photosynth Technology Preview is a taste of the newest - and, we hope, most exciting - way to view photos on a computer. Our software takes a large collection of photos of a place or an object, analyzes them for similarities, and then displays the photos in a reconstructed three-dimensional space, showing you how each one relates to the next. "

When I saw Google Earth I was stunned... when I saw this the reaction was the same. You must see the webcast by Robert Schoble when Gary Flake demo this. When you seen the demo... download the software and try it for your self in your own browser. It's amazing!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

[Wednesday fun]: Watch this video...

...it's fun...and the magic is good... and....

Thinkable about reuse

Read Nick Maliks post about "The culture of art vs. the culture of engineering".

Cool, instant start

Tired to wait for your machine to start up? Check out this. From the Splashtop web page "With Splashtop you can read e-mail, chat with friends, or surf the Web seconds after pushing the power button!"

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

C# Coding Standard Guidelines

Juval Lowy from IDesign has published a new version of his C# Coding Standard Guidelines. You also got the IDesing WCF Coding Standard.